EDS Awareness day 31
Day 31 – How Can Others Raise Awareness Today is the last day of Ehlers Danlos awareness month. WE MADE IT!!! I must admit I am quite proud. Today will be my last daily post for a bit. I will still be blogging just not daily. Daily is a lot! Especially while dealing with chronic illness. This was the promise I made to myself that I would not break. I wanted to write a blog every day of EDS awareness month and I did it! I really hope someone was able to learn something. For the last day I want to focus on other ways to spread awareness. The other one I worked hard on was contacting the CN Tower in Toronto. They lit the tower up in black and white on May 21st. I was so happy to see the muted colors of the cn tower. It wasnt flashy, but neither is EDS. It lurks in the shadows and hides, causing problems until it eventually gets found. It took me over 40 years to understand what was going on in my body and I am so glad I did. I want to help others find the answers ...