EDS Awareness day 27

 Day 27 – Gift Ideas For People With Chronic Illness

There are so many gift ideas it is really hard to just pick a few to take a closer look at a few considerations first.

  • Be mindful of allergies – especially for those with MCAS. People may be allergic to certain types of foods, ingredients, lotions or perfumes, fabrics, smells, and really the list just keeps going.
  • Consider offering services - Certain tasks that are very easy for you may be quite taxing for someone with a chronic illness. Emptying the dishwasher may take you 5 min where it takes them 10 plus a couple hours to recover from the bending, twisting, and reaching involved.
  • If in doubt about the suitability of gifts, vouchers can be a good option as the recipient can buy something that works for them.
  • Consider joining together with friends to save for larger/more expensive items that the recipient would never otherwise be able to buy themselves.

One of my favorite gifts was the Heated blanket my husband picked up for me. It is like a giant heating pad and in the winter especially when all my joints and muscles are stiff and sore it is so helpful for relaxation.  While heated blankets can help lower tightness in the muscles and reduce cramps it is not meant to treat major pains and aches. It can however promote blood flow in the body which can also alleviate some of the pain from minor aches, pains, and cramps.

Another favorite gift was my ukulele or maybe my tongue drum. I love music so much and although I could be better I like to strum around and make some noise. When no one else is home to have to suffer 😂 On days when my hands and arms are struggling I can always hold my tongue drum mallet and pound out a song or two. Either way, it brings me such joy to be able to make music....when no one else is around to hear it.

Plants- I love plants! All kinds of plants. Indoor plants have been my obsession since winter was in full force. I focused on lower light needing plants and ones that are supposedly hard to kill. I tend to overcare for my plants which usually results in some type of root rot or slow drowning of the plants but with the help of a free watering app on my phone I think my plants are a lot healthier and happier. I got the Zz plant which is supposed to be one of the hardest plants to kill and so far so good. I also have a couple types of jade plants, some snake plants, and the rogue philodendron. 

Now that it is spring I have been looking into making our backyard a flowering oasis without much upkeep and work.  I have been looking at all kinds of flowering bushes and bulbs that will flower year after year with little work or hassle. I found out there are even flowering evergreen bushes I can plant to have a green backyard all winter long  (well when it's not covered in snow that is.) Can't wait to have it all done and ready to enjoy.

Join us on our Facebook group and tell us what you think would make a great gift idea for someone with a chronic illness?

I see you...

I hear you...

and I am so glad you are here 💓

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