See something, Say something

 See something...say something...

"See something, say something" is a phrase we have all heard. It is an important mantra that encourages people to report any suspicious activities or behaviors that they may observe. It's all about promoting safety and vigilance in our communities.

If you ever notice something that doesn't seem right, whether it is an unattended bag, suspicious behavior, or anything out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to report it to the authorities. They are trained to handle these sorts of situations and determine if further action is needed.

This is excellent advice! Unfortunately, it also promotes people being skeptical of one another. Looking at other people thinking they may be up to something, even when they may have had the purest of intentions. Of course, if you see something suspicious say something but what if we could do more with it?

I think it's time to change things up a bit.

What if See something, say something could also refer to ...

--------BEING KIND --------

Maybe we can give this a try too...

When you see someone and you think to yourself WOW! She looks great in that dress! SAY IT! You will make her day... Maybe she was questioning her choice. Maybe she was having a bad morning and YOU just made it better.

If you see a gentleman who looks fabulous in his suit...Tell him!
Even if you are in a hurry, even if it is awkward or weird...tell them.

A little kindness can go a long way. Could you imagine what things would be like if we all took our faces out of our phones while walking or commuting? Taking the time to look around at all the fine people in our communities. The beauty we are surrounded by... it is so easy to just get in the rush of the day, and what we have to do next. Is it worth it? All the moving so fast...

Why not slow down? There is so much to see and experience. So many things and people to admire. why not give it a try.

Join us on Facebook and tell us what you are doing to slow down and make a difference.

I see you...
I hear you..
and I am so glad you are here💓

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used, provided full and clear credit is given to The Cracked Zebra with appropriate and specific
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