Word Vomit

Today we're going to talk a bit about teenagers. If you have one or have ever encountered one (some of you may have been a teen like this. ) I'm sure many of you have had similar or at least equally unpleasant encounters. I love them, but I sure as heck don't always like them! 

Let's dive right in... 

I was walking into the hospital with my 14-year-old daughter to see her doctor. It was a cane day. And as we were walking my daughter decided to strike up a conversation. That's kind of rare in itself so I got a little excited. However, the words that were about to come out of her mouth were, to say the least, slightly shocking.... The teenage specialty! 

She said " Wow mom, you must really like those Mucklucks they cover your AFO's well. You almost look normal. Until you get to the cane. That makes you look more like an 80-year-old woman. Then again your face looks more like you're 20. So then it just looks like you've had a ton of plastic surgery to try to make yourself look younger." 

At this point a stopped listening and muttered something like there's no need to be mean. 

I have learned through parenting 5 previous teens that you should never show weakness or they will eat you alive! I have also learned to find the good things mixed in the darkness. 

- She did notice that my boots cover my AFO'S nicely. They do, and they are very soft and cozy. I highly recommend them. 
- She thinks I look almost normal..... Thank Goodness cause for real, this meat suit is messed up. I will gladly take "almost normal" as a compliment. 
- She thinks I look 20!!!! Jackpot baby!!!! This 40-something momma will take that compliment all day long ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

So there you have it folks! Strait from the mouth of a truth-telling teenager. I am an almost normal-looking hottie who looks way younger than she actually is. Ok, maybe I embellished her words a bit but this is what I heard. 

Stay strong out there guys. You never know when a teenager is going to decide to word vomit all over you and leave you to find the bright side in it all. 

How is it for you? What outlandish things have your teenagers told you that we can flip around so your true awesomeness shines through? 

Would love to hear your stories on my Facebook page. See you there! 


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