EDS Awareness day 29

 Day 29 – What To Say To Someone With Chronic Illness

We all may have a list of things not to say to someone with a chronic illness, but what about things you should say?

 I'm gonna stop by for a visit.

this is one of my favorite things to hear from a friend. I love it when one or two people come to visit me in my home. Home is my happy place. It is where all my stuff is. All the stuff that keeps me healthy and comfortable. I know the seating will be comfortable, I know the food won't make me sick and I know if something did happen I would have whatever I need available when I need it. This reduces all the stress I have from going out. I don't even have to brace up if I don't want to. I can just sit back and relax with a good friend. Now that's the life!


How can I help you? 

This is another phrase I like to hear. I DO NOT like to ask for help. Asking for help was always a sign of weakness growing up so it is not something that comes easy for me. I would much rather just do things for myself. That way I know it is done the way it needs to be done and if it is wrong I only have myself to blame. However, if I am asked it tends to be easier to think of something I need to do but really don't want to. Things like emptying the dishwasher. I am sure I sound like a broken record by now but geez that job should not be so brutal to our chronic bodies.


You look so good, but how are you really feeling?

This is one I rarely ever hear. It is a question wrapped in a snuggly blanket of I see you and know even though you fake it well I know you better than that and I am here to listen so let it all out. Every single filthy bit of horror you are having to deal with...lay it on me!

No one wants to hear the truth. The real nitty-gritty of living with chronic illness. The exhaustion, the muscle cramps. the not being able to keep food down. There is so much not-so-fun stuff that we have to deal with and we usually have to keep it all bottled up to ourselves because it is so overwhelming most people just can't handle the truth! 

What do you like to hear?  Join us on our Facebook Group and tell us all about it!

I see you...
I hear you...
and I am so glad you are here 💓

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