EDS Awareness day 23

Day 23 – How Could Health Professionals Help More?
From my experience, there are 2 types of Doctors or specialists.
The first kind is patient and caring. They really take the time to hear what you have to say. They often repeat things back or ask follow-up questions as you tell them your medical story. These doctors want to get to the bottom of what is going on. They make referrals and do tests to try to get answers. These doctors are the heroes of the medical field. They are rare to find but they are out there.

The other type of doctors I have encountered on a far too often basis listen for a minute or two, offer a couple of prescription ideas, and off they go. It often happens so fast that you get whiplash from the encounter. You may even wonder if that actually took place or maybe you just sneezed and missed it. You definitely don't feel great after appointments like this and often leave with more questions than you have answers. These doctors need to take notes from the above doctors who know how to do it right. Care and compassion should be a prerequisite to being a doctor.

There are so many important steps that Doctors and specialists could take to make our appointments better. Like listening to us, validating our feelings, and having more time to spend with us to truly understand what we are dealing with each day. They could use better templates and records to help capture our true symptoms better. So many things could put doctors back on the right doctoring path. 
 Join us on our Facebook group and tell us what ways health professionals could help you more.

I see you…
I hear you…
And I am so glad you are here ❤️

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