EDS Awareness day 22

Day 22 – Your Advice For Someone Newly Diagnosed

Understanding complex conditions such as EDS and HSD can feel overwhelming, especially for the newly diagnosed. For me, it was a mix of being overwhelmed by all the information and a rushing feeling of everything in life finally making sense. 

The relief was refreshing and washed over me like a wave of knowledge and power. I had a name for something that ailed me. It wasn't depression or anxiety and it was most definitely not all in my head as I had heard from several doctors. After almost 40 years of unexplained pain and injuries that just made no sense. I finally had answers. Part of me really wanted to go back to all the dismissive doctors and specialists and tell them what was really going on. I wanted to advise them to spend some time learning about this condition since they so easily disregarded all of my concerns.

The overwhelming feelings took over later with the realization that while I did in fact have a name for what was going on, It still had no cure. Many Doctors have still never heard of it or even worse some don't believe it is a real condition. 

I am here to tell you and them this is very real. 

With EDS being a genetic condition, I then had to consider my children. Did I pass this on to them? Could they be struggling the same way I did? That is where the overwhelm sat for a while. There was grieving, there was self-pity then there was frustration. 

This frustration led me to take action and help get the word out so others don't have to wait as long as I did for a diagnosis. So advancements can be made to better diagnose and manage symptoms. To keep patients from getting worse from overusing their bodies at a young age causing great harm later. We need more doctors and nurses to see us and hear us and take action to help us live better more fulfilling lives.

Over time, while living with EDS or HSD you will learn more things that can help you develop strategies to tackle your health – and life. I know I’m a broken record but No two zebras are alike and strategies that work for one may not work for another. Trial and error is how zebras roll. 

Join us on our Facebook group and tell us what is one thing you now know or understand that has had the most significant impact on your EDS or HSD journey? What would you tell those who are newly diagnosed and struggling to understand? 

I see you…

I hear you…

And I am so glad you are here ❤️

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