EDS Awareness day 24

Day 24 – Helpful Advice You’ve Had 
There is a lot of advice out there. I often get told my symptoms would be healed if only I tried… yoga, herbal supplements, going vegan, going gluten-free, praying harder, or trying this strange fruit only found in a far-off land.
 The truth is to do whatever works for you. That is my biggest piece of advice. 

Many of us have to go through a grieving process of abilities lost. This is a hard concept for many to grasp. It's even harder when it is an ongoing process. We grieve, start to come to terms with our loss, and learn to move on with life. Then the rug gets pulled out from under us yet again with another symptom or another loss of ability. It is such a frustrating cycle for us so I can't imagine that someone on the outside looking in can truly understand unless they have experienced a similar cycle.

After the grief lessens a bit it's time to learn new ways of doing things. Using assistive devices to open things. Using walking aids. Whatever it takes for you to get the job done with the least amount of harm to you and your body is always the best course of action. There is no right or wrong way to do things when living with such a complicated syndrome. 

You have to do what's best for you.

I know very well how hard that concept can be to grasp. At one point in time, I had 7 kids ages 14 down to an infant to wrangle. There was no time to stop and take care of me. Had I stopped maybe things wouldn't be so bad now. I have to admit though I wouldn't change those days for anything. We had so much fun. So it's worth the pain in the end to have such good memories with the kids of all the adventures we had. 

So again I say, do what's best for you and your family. Take one day at a time and be kind to those around you and most importantly to yourself!

Join us on our Facebook group and tell us what’s the most helpful advice you’ve been given that has helped you with an aspect of your EDS or HSD?

I see you…
I hear you…
And I am so glad your here ❤️
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