In the beginning...Creation of the cracked Zebra


 there was nothing and from nothing came a light........

Ok, just kidding that is not really how this is gonna go 😂   I'm going to get real about the ins and outs of living with multiple chronic illnesses. Some days are up, some days are down and many days are just in between. All are valid and all are very real. I see you! I believe you! I'm right here with you!  

 Have you ever felt like you just don't fit in, that the people around you see you and listen to you but don't really SEE YOU or HEAR YOU? The real you, not the superficial "oh yeah I'm fine" you. I'm talking about the real, scarred, beat down, and broken you.... the one you push down deep in your soul never to be seen again if you can help it you. 

I feel this way all the time and it is exhausting! I know some of you get it. You are also tired of trying to explain what you deal with on a daily basis without scarring them because then you just have to play it down to make them feel better,  like oh body just does that sometimes, yeah I know it's not normal but it's me so don't worry, I will be ok.....While on the inside you are screaming in agony just to be understood. 

Welcome to my outlet! I'm gonna get real, and not hold back because some days really suck and I am so tired of shoving it all down, biting my tongue, and being the "Good Girl" I'm expected to be.  I am a Wife, I am a mom, I am a Chronic illness warrior and this is my journey.....

 Let me present to you...



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